Please, leave alone my broken soul
Write a vilanelle that includes this in it. A vilanelle is a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain.
if you wanted to you could
i never saw those smiles in the hall that you supposedly gave me with your friends
maybe i was the one who stopped talking
but you stopped loving me last year
when you made me feel like i wasn’t worthy
to be in your little group
“i just wanted to protect you”
bullshit i thought you hated me
what’s wrong with me why do all of my friends
decide i’m not good enough?
i started to question if it was true
you can’t make up for all that hurt with a few poems
if you wanted to talk we would,
i told you it was up to you this time
if you wanted to talk you don’t have to wait till we’re finally on the bus together
if you wanted to you could we
i miss you
i forgive you
but i need to hear you first
i don’t want to feel like this is one sided anymore
if you so badly say it isn’t