Choose one colour and make it a central theme of your story. Use it symbolically, literally, or creatively throughout the narrative.


Blue is a cloudless sky as the sunrises. The newly hatced blue jay in the nest chirping for thier mother to come back. The crystal clear water on the pond or swimming pool. I am reminded of blue as the geentle rain drops run down the winshield of my blue car. It is also the chill running though my body as I walk out into the cool morning air. Blue cn be the ice cream on a hot summer day. But also can be the ice forming on the road during the winter. Blue is not just a color either. I can feel blue when my feelings get hurt. I am blue as I realize my friend is not coming over anymore. Blue what I am when I just want to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out. Blue is my favorite pair of jeans that are like a spirit lift when I put them on. It aalso reminds me of the blueberries I eat when in season. I would walk along the path and pick the fresh wild blueberries.

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