Are You Happy?

I think I just met the happiest person in the world. Even though I can see she is truly terrified. Even though I can see her hesitation in the things she says, actions she does, and the things she hears. She’s happy though. That’s what they all say, when deep down they are suffering from what the future may hold. She’s so happy because the future may grow in unbelievable ways and grant her many possibilities. Yet she is afraid those possibilities are going to become close to nonexistent. The life she grew up dreaming and hoping about obtaining simply vanished the moment she was actually an adult, due to the changes in the system. She watched as some of her friends were dragged away to cells because they were technically illegal now. Which she is too but she manages to hide it, and she hides it well. She watched as she was just marked down to a woman with the ability to carry children. And she can’t actually have kids. All she wanted was to be a lawyer. All she wanted was to feel powerful for at least a day. All she wanted was for her life to not be stripped away from her in front of her eyes. All she wanted was to live life the way she wanted. Yet she puts that beautiful smile on, the one she is told looks amazing on her, to make her seem kind, approachable, but even more important, super happy. When all she is, is terrified for the next steps in her life.

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