In my Time of Dying ©2019 DemiiDee

Write a story of poem based on the image provided.
Bleeding Out
Karoi swiped at the snarling hyenas. They snapped at his paws. One caught his paw in its mouth. He roared and pulled it away. The hyena laughed. Karoi's wounds dripped blood onto the dry ground. The hyena's glowing yellow eyes were the only thing around he could see.
With the scar above his eye dripping blood into it, Karoi spun around and ran. He ran and ran as fast as he could. The hyenas laughed and gave chase. Karoi angrily sped up a little bit. His wounds burned from stretching. The hyenas kept tripping over each other in their mad race to catch up.
Karoi used that to his advantage and switched courses to the secret entrance to his home. The hyenas yelped as the edge of the cliff came into view. A few in the front fell off into the river below. Karoi sneered and slipped through a hole in a pile of rocks. The rest of the hyenas tried following, but two other lions exited and fought them off.
Karoi stumbled through the tunnel until he was met with the cave. He stepped in and collapsed at the entrance. Other lions around rushed over. Karoi groaned in pain. Blood began pooling around him. Just then, the lions parted and a female walked through them to Karoi. She gasped at his condition.
"Karoi!" She scolded. "Why the fuck does this keep happening to you?"
"Happy to see you too, dear Aysadi." Karoi whispered.
She rolled her eyes and laid next to him to lick his wounds. "You better be more fucking careful next time."