
“How can you say that!” I raged to the girl who I once thought was loyal. She stepped closer, glaring at me as if she was trying to kill me only using her glistening eyes.

“You have been too ignorant to realize. Our parents are wretched” she lowered her voice, “you better leave those demons too.”

Her slim figure began to slip away from me and head closer to the door. No! I couldn’t let her leave.

“Wait! That can’t be!” I argued, taking hold of her delicate wrist.

“Th-They’ve supported us all this time. We mustn’t reject them. How can your words be true?”

My voice sounded frail and weak. I mentally scowled at myself for not coming across stronger to this genius in my presence.

She lowered her arm and her shoulders slumped. Perhaps she will listen to me! A spark of hope enlightened inside me.

She seethed through gritted teeth, “You’ll never understand. You haven’t seen what I have.”

Within an instant, she jerked her wrist from my grip and darted out of the small room. I stumbled back from the force and lost balance. I cried out in pain when my back smacked against the hard wooden floor. My heart thumped loudly from the quick adrenaline rush.

Suddenly, I heard a loud thud.

The main door.

A blaring alarm echoed throughout the house. The ringing sound scorched my ears like how a lighter would set fire to a cigar. She had broken the rules. She had left...

And I had lost her.

My eyes started to water and it wasn’t long before fresh tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Damnit” I cursed, rubbing my sleeve against my damp face.

Sorrow dominated the chess board. It moved the pieces with ease even without an opponent. Within the darkness, the white set appeared. The pieces moving with passion against the black pawns of fear. I would expect to be elated by their arrival. Only, the white pieces did not symbolize good. They symbolized fear. And in the battle against sorrow and fear, fear was winning.

I slowly stood up and took control of my bearings. I must find my sister. Breaking the rules already promises punishment. But if what she said is true-even if I pray it doesn’t relate to the truth at all-then she is in more danger than ever. It wouldn’t be long before our personal guards would be sent after her.

My sister who loomed along the shadows and kept to herself is more intelligent and capable then I could’ve ever imagined. What she did was unpredictable and idiotic. Though on the contrary, what she did was also cunning, courageous, and concupiscent. She was truly the most admirable person I knew. I must save her.

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