Write a story where a character's pet ruins an event.

You can write in any genre, and your story doesn't necessarily have to be humorous!


I shut my eye for a brief moment

It was already happening when I opened my eyes. All the sounds disappeared, and everything was so clear as though time paused.

I kept them open purely out of shock, felt this stinging like razors from forcing my self to keep my eyes open. I wish I didn’t open my eyes then this memory wouldn’t play in my head.

The after math was more disastrous. My cheeks still burned red and my heart dug self loathing holes deeper just thinking about it.

I thought it had proper training, training was the least of my problems now since I had some explaining to do. The thing was I couldn’t think of any explanation for that. Why couldn’t pets come up with they’re own explanations.

I thought back to it. “God damn it” I remembered my dog leaping up to the guests and barking bewildered blabber and the guests were threatened like human prey. Whist I stood there next to the bbq, frozen in shock wondering how in gods world did that stupid dog get out the house!


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