
The stars smiled upon us, as if they knew we’d soon join them

They smiled as if they knew that soon we would dance with them

That soon we would be with them

My hand grips yours

Your big strong hands

That hands that had brought me back when all else failed

The hands that had comforted me in the darkest nights

Your loving hands

You smile down on me

A reassuring smile that could light up the night

The smile that I fell for

The smile that I love

Your big, beautiful smile

Your eyes shine brightly upon me

Kind blue eyes

Tired with age but bright

The eyes that beckoned me in

The eyes that I trust

The eyes that shine like stars

Your kind, old eyes

You take me in your arms and whisper in my ear

You whisper words of kindness

Words of love

If I could I would fall for you again

When we first met you looked like a prince

A fairytale prince

Now age has wrinkled your skin

Time has taken its toll but you smile the same

You lost your locks

Your soft brown locks

But your eyes are the same

Your face is laced with wrinkles and marks

But you whisper the same

You whisper the same tales and stories

Stories of love and beasts

Tales of princess and ogres

You whisper stories in your pleasant voice

A voice of angels

A voice that transports me far away

A deep calm voice

A voice that I fell for

In the nights of our youth in the exciting nights we’d go outside

Under the moonlit skies and you would sing for me

You would sing in your deep voice

You would sing in your calm voice

You would sing in a voice that animated the world

Your lovely rich voice

You would dance for me

You would dance with me

Fast dances, slow dances, lovely dances

You would carry me in your big string arms and spin me around

You would lift me off the ground and press your lips against mine

Lips that produced the wildest tales

Lips that sung the sweetest songs

Lips that kissed me for years and years

Your soft lips

Now I lay still on my final bed

You’re right beside me as you’ve always been

Your hand holds mine firmly and tightly

Your strong, loving hands

Your eyes look upon me

Your kind, bright eyes

You smile down at me

Your big, beautiful smile

You whisper words of stories

Your magnificent, wonderful stories

Your voice floats down to me

Your lovely, deep voice

It is your voice that carries me off

They are your eyes that see me last

Your smile that smiles at me for the final time

And your eyes the last thing I see

I float off into the heavens all alone

The stars greet me at the door

And even though I’m without you

Soon you’ll join me too

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