
In the battle of wills, a soul stands torn,

Resisting temptation, feeling forlorn.

Tempting whispers, like a siren's call,

Leading astray, causing a downfall.

At first, a spark of curiosity ignites,

A fleeting desire, like flickering lights.

The heart races, the mind in a haze,

Caught in a web, in a tempting daze.

Torn between right and the allure of wrong,

The struggle within, a battle so strong.

Emotions swirl, like a turbulent sea,

Yearning for freedom, yet longing to be free.

Guilt creeps in, a shadow in the night,

A weight on the chest, a heavy plight.

The soul trembles, with fear and doubt,

Seeking solace, a way to find out.

But through the storm, a glimmer of light,

A beacon of hope, shining so bright.

Strength emerges, from deep within,

Resisting temptation, a battle to win.

With resolve firm, the soul takes a stand,

Facing the darkness, with a steady hand.

Through the turmoil, emerges a new sensation,

Victorious over temptation, a soul's liberation.

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