Write a story about a plane journey, set in times when flights had just become commercially available.

You could choose to create an atmosphere of excitement, fear and trepidation, or anything else you can imagine early passengers would feel!

a conversation on a plane in 1950

“Not bad at all!” Frank exclaimed, “Little more room than buses have. If they get us from Houston to LA in under six hours I would say the ticket price is worth it.”

“I just wish these things served alcohol. I’m second guessing how this could work. How could we “fly”?”

“You mean how could this thing stay in the air with all our weight, Bob? Hell, your guess is as good as mine, but it’s been done! You knew what you were signing up for, don’t back out now! My brother flew one last week, said it was fine!”

“Sure, but I just cannot wrap my head around it. Did you happen to bring any booze?”

“Sure thing, Bob. Here’s my flask. Maybe one day you could even get a Bloody Mary on this thing - ha, how special would that be? The future is coming at us fast! Flying cars by 1970, no doubt.”

“No doubt, Frank.”

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