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Salt has been used for years to ward off evil. But as the oceans are drained and filtered to be made drinkable, the evil that was trapped there is unleashed.

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The Sea Witch

Death comes quickly when you're ravaged by cold and hunger, forced to eat any vermin that wandered in to the village. Jamestown was suffering and it seems that their prayers were going unanswered.

The colonists left England for a better life, out of their bondage in England much like the Hebrews in Egypt.

The first years were challenging and exciting as they all worked as one. Plowing , farming, and fishing. There were times of plenty and famine, life and death but that was to be expected in the New World. What was not expected was the demonic force that enveloped them.

That's why they left their faith behind and turned to pagan ways. Evoking ancient Celtic power from the sea.

Reaching back into their past they would build bonfires on the beach like their ancestors, dance with abandon, and grieve their wives, husbands, and children. Within their singing, they promised the first fruits of their labor and animal sacrifices. Anything to save their families that were left.

On All Hallows Eve, the chanting and dancing reached a fever pitch and she was conjured.

The Sea Witch.

Instead of their Savior, the entity cursed the remaining population to a horrifying plague that wiped out every living creature. Nothing remained except the shining bones of the dead.

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