"Everybody wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen."

Write about a character who is going through a typically stigmatised situation. As an added challenge, try to write from the perspective of the opposite gender to yourself.

No Judgement

Rose spotted some napkins on the floor. Comfort zone depletion shields down and Klingons on the starboard bow.

She thought about that for a moment. Seem to think in songs and movies. Is that abnormal too? She inhaled deeply and tried to settle the nerves jangling in her stomach. “I need help.” There, three words and it's out. Ejected the warp core twice in one day.

There was a momentary silence before Essie put her hand onto Rose’s. “There, not so hard was it?”

Rose noticed how soft her voice was. No judgement or sense of get your arse in gear, girl. No put downs or this is the first step in the rest of your life, and a total absence of go buy some camomile tea, which happened to be her mum’s solution to all things affecting the mind. This time she looked up and noticed how pretty Essie was. High profile tits certainly did her face no favours at all.

“I don't know what to do though.” She viewed the world through a distorted watery haze. “I just can't live like this anymore.”

The grip on her hand tightened. “I know, Rose, but with help it can be done if you really want it to.” She paused while Rose cleared her throat. “Have you spoken to your GP at all?”

Rose was about to answer when her phone, resting between remnants of latte and a red napkin, began to vibrate. The screen illuminated, declaring an incoming call from Dr Whitaker. She froze, staring at it. That wasn't supposed to happen. Between twelve and one was the agreed time she planned not to call back.

By the fourth rumble Essie interjected, “You going to answer that?” Rose remained lost in another world.

No, not ready for this. Back in the zone; heart rate increasing, and that way too familiar throb in her temples.

Essie grabbed the phone. “Hello.”

Rose's eyes widened as she listened to a one-sided conversation. Fucking hell.

“Yes, Dr Whitaker, she's sat right here trying to pretend nothing's wrong.”

“Uh huh, yes of course. Would you like me to pass you across?”

Rose tried to snatch her hand back, but Essie held it firm.

“Here you go.”

She lifted Rose's hand and deposited the phone into it. Bitch was mouthed across the table and greeted by a smile that said unlucky.

“Hello, Dr Whitaker, you are a bit early.” Very hushed and nervy.
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