You begin to hear a voice singing to you, a voice that nobody else can hear. It slowly grows louder, and carries a sinister message.

Create a poem based on this concept. You may wish to include the voice's words and use them throughout the poem.

All Aboard

Standing alone awaiting my usual train

A soft smile persuades, this is just a normal day

But inside an empty heart, wincing in pain

Wondering why the light always leaves

When I ask it to stay

A rat scurries to darkness along the side of the rail

Unbothered by onlookers disgusted and disturbed

And in that moment I envy what a rat’s life might entail

Disgraced, with a snap I shamefully think

I must be perturbed

An unwelcome voice interjects with a catchy tune

Proudly presenting me as tonight’s circus act

The butt of the joke, tonight’s stupid silly goon

Assured these thoughts of myself are undeniable facts

Perturbed? Yes perturbed!

Don’t forget disgusting and disturbed!

Perturbed? Yes perturbed!

Don’t forget disgusting and disturbed!

Now with a faded facade, I wish for anywhere but here

There is no escape, no way to turn down the volume dial

Drowned in the tune, my thoughts transformed with fear

On repeat, I’m left with no option but denial

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