Our fate is sealed and we can do nothing to change it.
Create a story centred around this idea, or including it is as a line of dialogue.
What Are We?
Everyone has the same fate.
Billions of people,all unique and different in all kinds of ways yet we all are destined to the same fate…Death.
One way we will all perish,we will be forgotten we won’t be remembered for the mistake we made or what we didnt do In life.And if we end up ghost we will have regrets.
The real question here is why are we here and how?
RE teaches you there’s gods but that still begs the question of why and how was the supposed “gods” made.
We exist but for what reason?
Some say big bang theory,but another question what’s space what is this?
Some may say I’m too conscious and everything really is confusing and we just don’t think about it. But I do.
So many unanswered questions it’s terrifying.
Knowing the only way to get answers is In death.We all don’t think about how we won’t live forver, too stuck in the moment we don’t give ourselves the chance to think and see that we have limited time. Time moves fast it doesn’t wait if you fall behind that’s on you.
How does one even start to talk about it.
Panic settles in and we are worried eternally about things we don’t know.
I wanna live forever just me and my person, I don’t wanna die I wanna exist forever no matter what but I know we can’t. We
Are slaves to time.