It’s Heavy Under My Comforter

I used to love being awake

But now every morning

My bed clings onto me like a desperate lover

Trying to keep me

Wrap me

Comfort me and

Trap me

In the weighted blanket

Of her soft touch

It didn’t used to be this way

Well, I guess it always kind of has been

But not this bad

As if there is no other world worth existing in

Other than under my covers

Covers that wrap me in the soothing cocktail of escape and apathy

As my life moves on without me

And I don’t have to face the day

and its swarm of



       question marks

Or have to make an effort

To go after what I really want

It’s stifling but it’s safe here

In the adoring embrace of nothing

So instead of trying

I set four alarms and





And get up only when forced by a consequence

So I can stay for as long as possible

In my bed’s loving clutches

It’s heavy under my comforter

But when you’re overwhelmed

Forgetting your dreams is a drug

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