Marlo Caverns

As we came up to the entrance of the cave, I got a cold chill down my spine. Something felt off. This cave didn’t look right. The edge of the rock was jagged and chipped, there was an oval shape opening in the side of it, the opening was about five to ten feet tall and then got real narrow as you went further down. It looked to run down and to oddly shaped to be a cave. “This doesn’t feel right..” I said stopping just at the edge of the cave. “Come on it’ll be fine, just a quick look inside.” Jessica said. I rolled my eyes. Jessica was always ready for anything fun. That was just her personality. She smiled and tucked a steand of her blonde hair behind her ear. “In and out, I promise. Please.” I sighed and shrugged. “Fine. But let’s be quick. I don’t like this place.” We waited for Ally and Jake to catch up, then we slowly entered the cave and began our decent into the darkness. The inside of the cave was damp and cold. I held up the flashlight on my phone, examining the walls a little closer. “Hey look at this.” I called to the group. Jessica was the first one over. I aimed the flashlight so she could see, and pointed at drawings on the walls. There were drawings of giant animals the size of buildings. In one drawing, there was a picture of four human figure, standing by a cave entrance. Below it was a drawing of what looked like a snake..with wings…and wait, is that…?” I aimed my flashlight closer to get a better look. It was. The snake figure had three heads. It sent chills down my spine, making my skin crawl. There was a loud bang deep in the cave. I jumped and turned my attention back towards the group. They had already walked on. I was left standing alone in the dark cave. “Jessica!” I yelled. My voice echoed, bouncing off the walls. Nothing but eerie silence. I aimed my flashlight in front of me, trying to see ahead. My phone light wasn’t bright enough to see anything, I could just barley see the ground in front of me. I slowly made my way deeper into the cave, calling for my friends. “JESSICA!” I yelled. There was still no sign of them. Another loud boom echoed in the cave, this time closer. I jumped and froze. I listened. It sounded like someone was walking towards me. As it got closer, it turned into slithering. My heart was pounding in my chest. My hands were shaking so bad I could barley hold the light up to see in front of me. I screamed just as something grabbed my hand and yanked me to my feet, dragging me deeper into the cave. I screamed kicking and thrashing trying to get myself free, but whatever it was had a tight grip, and was not letting go. I felt the ground beneath me disappearing as I was tossed into the air. I hit the ground hard, losing my breath. I gasped rapidly trying to breathe again. As I managed to catch my breath, I frantically searched for my phone. As I was feeling around in the dark, I froze as my hand came across something warm..something big. I slowly felt around, moving my hand up the warm object. I yanked my hand back as I felt something wet. I jumped back as a loud scream echoed trough the cave. I closed my eyes and covered my ears. After a while the screaming stopped. I quickly sat back up and frantically searched for my phone. I finally found it and switched the light on. As I caught my breath, I slowly turned around to see what I felt on the ground. My heart stopped and I covered my mouth as I seen what it was. It was of Jessica. From her elbow up was gone. It looked like she was ripped in half. I felt something hot on my neck. I froze. Mt heart was racing. I slowly turned around and aimed my flashlight up, and finally seen what has been chasing me. It was the creature in the drawing on the cave wall. It was a giant snake, with sharp fangs. It’s first head the only visible. As the light slowly illuminated it, two more of its heads came slithering out from behind the first. I choked on my breath and held back a scream. I stood there staring at it, as it stared back at me. I felt something slithering up my leg and wrapping around my waist. I scream as the creature yanked me to it. The last thing I seen was it’s giant red eyes, then…darkness.

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