'I recognised his eyes as soon as he walked through the door. I froze. I couldn't do this right now.'
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Mystery Man
I recognized his eyes as soon as he walked through the door, I froze, my mind started racing and my heart started pounding out my chest. I can’t do this right now, not after what he did to me all those years ago. I barely remember it, but I do remember his face. His smooth face with a small mustache and peach fuzz on his chin. His face was etched with deep lines from years of hard living, and yet there was a softness to it that held a deceptive charm.
Sometimes it will come back in parts as flashbacks. My dad still doesn’t believe me, he thinks he was the best babysitter. This was because my dad would often blast music, smoke unknown substances, drink, and engage in sexual activities with his girlfriend in the other room.
It starts with overthinking, then I get dizzy, and finally I start to have a panic attack. The flashback me again. I don’t remember most of what he did, but I do remember the important part of it. The part that nobody should remember, but will always be scratched in the back of your head.
I also remember the good parts. The parts where this guy would bring over alcohol and we would drink together while he was on parole. My dad didn’t think anything about it, he didn’t realize how crazy it was to be having a 17 year old guy on parole. Watching a 9 year old girl who thought that since her dad liked him and trusted him what he’s doing to me is ok. Never again will I let a man do that to me again. He wasn’t the first and he wasn’t the last.
My PE teacher was the first guy to do anything to me. I told my school resource officer, my principal, my counselor, and my dad and nobody believed me. I still hear things from kids at those two schools that he’s still doing the same stuff. I hate him I thought he would always win. I’m glad he didn’t win.
I recently was informed by my informant(11) who he did stuff to as well, that her friend(9) finally reported him enough times that he was fired. That nigh me and my friend celebrated the achievement. It was the best night of my life. I’m so happy that he will never be able to hurt a kid again.