“Magical” first date

This was not too long ago before I gave Danny a chance So we were sitting in the dinning room of a really big time restaurant that he picked and Things were going pretty good he and I like similar things and felt like he was a generally decent person at least as we were laughing at some joke he had about school I had something dawned on me but kept quiet for a little while he somehow had a big telling face that said he wanted to tell me something and it didn’t seem like something small nor something appropriate for first date

Do you like magic Danny asked.

Depends on the magic I said.

He started to smile enchanted some weird words from his mouth.

Here I started to remember having seen him before near the end of elementary school he was a terror not to mention selfish and mean but he always had this expectation of people were boring to him and that he carried something like a stuffed animal of different monsters whenever someone was mean to him they would disappear for days at a time often people perform search parties until the kid was found which was usually two days later sometimes five days (for that unfortunate kid who tried to bully him)

The mood start to shift as as the world I was seeing shifted into two until I was completely in this new environment he kept smiling throughout this whole thing.

Goddamnit Melody it had to be the weirdos that liked me wasn’t it. I said to myself.


She didn’t know it yet but she was caught in the middle of a conflict between two worlds future.

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