Once a year, for an entire day, everyone loses a sense, and they never know which one it will be.

Write in first person about the sense this character loses, and how the day progresses.


I hate the dark. It scares me. A difficult thing to admit. It shouldn’t. I am an adult, after all. Only children should be afraid. Only children should have nightlights. Only children should fear what could be lurking in the shadows. Sometimes I wish I could just overcome it. I contemplate what would happen if I turned off all the lights at night when I went to bed. The thought itself makes my skin crawl. My heart race. Even if I were brave enough to do so, I wouldn't last long. Couldn't. My mind wouldn't allow it. Even if there weren't monsters waiting for me, my imagination would conjure something just as horrific. I’m sure of it. The mind is an interesting thing. Much more powerful than most give it credit. Especially in the dark. I've gone my whole life fearing the day my sight will be taken from me. Rationalizing that it'll only be for a day does nothing for my anxiety. Five minutes was too long. Twenty-four hours? Unspeakable. So when that day approached, l went to bed praying it’d be another sense. I'd gladly give up any other for a week if i it meant I could choose to keep my sight. I didn't want to face what was in the dark. Everyone and their brother told me there was nothing there. Nothing was waiting for me. But when I woke that day to a world of shadow, I discovered how very wrong everyone was.
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