Submitted by Celaid Degante
Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.
What About Me?
Was it too much to ask?
For you to fight? To stay?
Was I too much for you?
Wouldn’t you have liked to see me now?
How I long to see you now
My desire for your advice is torturous
The little memories from you i cherish
I would be eager for one conversation
Are you in a better place now?
Do you feel pain, or regret?
They tell me everything happens for a reason
I must take my leave,
For the longer i stay here the longer i’ll suffer
Nevertheless, i will remember you
Your tenderness, your abundance of love
Your ability to share serenity,
What little you had you still shared
If only you had thought of my life without you
You buried my serenity with you
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