Write a poem that dives deeply into human strength (physical or emotional).
Choose a specific style of poetry, and literary devices that would be suitable for this theme.
Of Strength And Weakness
How does one measure strength, when all you have is your soul
When muscle and skin fail you, and it is your character that does the heavy lifting
How does one exercise one’s mind, when the imagery of weights and mats bring no comfort
Is the proof of triumph come from the flow of sweat and the tension in veins
Pushed to their limits and well beyond, might that encourage growth in the future
Or does triumph come from the exhausted breath that escapes one’s lungs and stinging pains in one’s feet
What if strength were measured by tired eyes and drowsy consciousness
By wearied hands and slowed speech
What does it mean to exercise the mind
Where does strength come from?
From our muscles? Or deeper?
Can our souls be strong?
Can our wills break stones, our determination climb mountains?
Can our curiosity run miles and our imagination swim oceans?
What does it mean to be strong?
And how should we measure it?
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