If Your Hand Could Reach My Heart

If your hand could reach inside my heart,

Would you mend each crack, each scar?

Would you hold the fragile parts,

Or leave them open, raw, ajar?

Would you trace the pathways deep,

Where shadows dwell and secrets keep?

Would you gather all the dreams,

And stitch them into hopeful seams?

If your touch could soothe the pain,

Would you let the tears remain?

Would you find the broken threads,

And weave them into golden spreads?

If your hand could feel my fear,

Would you pull it, bring it near?

Would you whisper gentle lies,

Or face the truth with steady eyes?

If you held my heart within,

Would you heal or would you sin?

Would you leave it whole and free,

Or bind it with your memory?

If your hand could reach my core,

Would you stay or close the door?

Would you cherish what you find,

Or leave the ruins far behind?

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