The Punkest Girl I Knew In School
The punkest girl I knew in school,
Yeah, she sure thought that she was cool.
It doesn’t matter too much anymore,
But the effects are too strong to ignore.
She was five foot one,
I thought her life was fun,
But I was just a nerd,
This is so absurd!
One night in mid-October,
We weren’t exactly sober,
We were high as hell,
Dressed as pirates and groupies, well!
‘‘Twas Halloween night,
High as a kite,
The clock was six minutes fast,
My eyes were red and glassed.
The punkest girl I knew in school,
Yeah we sure thought we were cool,
She liked rap, I liked punk,
But we were very, very drunk!
December rolled by, Christmas time,
Instead of carols, we did some crime!
Twenty-Twenty-Five came soon,
We celebrated in the afternoon.
Underneath the bridge,
We felt ready to raid someone’s fridge,
With two pipes and a bottle of perfume,
It was late, we would assume.
In the basement of the church,
My stomach would lurch,
In the bathroom, we were having fun,
But not like a nun!
Yeah, the punkest girl I knew in school,
We all thought that she was cool.
Suspended ‘cause she got caught,
All the boys thought she was hot.
Listening to Black Sabbath and Silverchair,
Not a care,
NOFX screams, AC/DC at the church,
Behind a dumpster we would perch.
In corduroy, flannel, leather,
The February gloom was the weather,
The chess-playing Asian girl
Asked me why I had to hurl.
Now, March is here,
Four months left in this school year,
Our lungs are black, green-leaf imprinted brains,
Through yellow-white skin, you can see the blue veins.
Yeah, the punkest girl I knew in school,
We are really, really cool…
But it’s not all it’s made out to be,
It kinda sucks, you see?
The punkest girl I knew in school,
We talk to guys, bully nerds, think we’re cool,
We drink a lot,
Smoke some pot.
The punkest girl I knew in school,
340 words of poetry just to prove I’m cool,
Yeah, I hate the world, let it be anarchy,
Behave unmannerly?
The punkest girl I knew in school,
I’ll write some poetry ‘cause your cool,
Play the Misfits on demand.
This doesn’t rhyme,
But who cares?