Write a short horror story that DOESN'T involve murder, psychopaths, or paranormal activity.

Think about what other themes make captivating horror writing.

The Golden Doodle


“MoTtEr!” Screeched the exasperating child.

“Ugh, what is it this time, Rose?” Asked the mom of a daughter who behaves with ineffable annoyance. Though, Rose often caused much laughter.

“I want a PuPpY!” Rose exclaimed, and walked over to the dog they already had. “Not this one, dough, it sticky.”

“Rose, our dog is not sticky. She’s a beautiful chihuahua, my personal favorite.” The mom reached and pet the growling chihuahua.

“But, but, personal schmersonal.” Rose picked up the dog and tried to defenestrate (the act of throwing someone out a window) him, but was too weak.

“Rose, maybe there’s another pet you want. I’ll be fine with a fish or something.” So, the mom and Rose hopped into the car and drove to PetDumb.

“Hi, welcome in. Can I help you with anything?” Said a way too perky worker.

“Yes, where are the fish, please?” Asked Rose’s mother.

“They are-“ The worker tried to say, but Rose interrupted.

“No, I don’t want a fisy. Can I have a golden doodle? Pwease, mom, pwease?” Rose aksed.

“No more dogs.” Said the mom.

“OH, DA HORROR!” Rose shouted and pretended to faint.

“Um, anything else I can help you with?” Asked the bewildered worker.

“No, thanks.” Said the mom, who the. Picked Rose up and dragged her back to the car.

Though, I guess this isn’t a horror story after all. It has a happy ending. You see, when the mom looked at Rose in the car mirror, she had golden doodle in her hands.

“ROSE, DID YOU STEAL THAT?!?!” Screeched the perplexed and irritated mother.

“No, da worker said I could have it and gave it to me. See?” She pointed at the worker standing at the door, who had a basket of free puppies and an evil grin on his face.

“Fine, you can have it.” The mom finallly gave in.

“YAYAYAYYAYAYAYAY!” Screeched the exasperating and exuberant kid.

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