You are attending your first funeral. Write a poem about the experience and how it makes you feel.

Choose a specific style of poetry that would be suitable for this prompt.


I was blind to your face, to the way,

Your browse furrowed, and to the pain,

In your eyes, beautiful and brimming,

Blind to your clinched fists.

I was deaf to the words,

That spewed from gridded teeth,

Deaf to The pleas and the warnings, and to,

The inevitable silence.

“You’ll miss me when I’m gone, “ you said,

But I, so blind, so deaf and dumb,

Cocooned in my own existence,

Poured salt in all your wounds.

Now you are gone, and I,

Am numb to the emptiness. I am numb,

To the guilt, the shame,

The perpetual self loathing.

Oh, but if only I could,

Gouge out my own eyes, I would,

Cut out my tongue,

And shred my own ears.

But darling, no amount,

Of self-inflicted pain,

Will bring you back to this world, it can never,

Bring you back to me.

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