Write the story that led to this image
String Of Hope
Too late. He was too late. There she lay, motionless, as dead as the autumn grass. Even though she looked the same as she did when her heart beat struck, full of life, there was something in her eyes, no it wasn’t that, there was nothing in her eyes that’s what scared him. They were just empty and hollowed out, drained was the magic they carried with her smile. He could only meet her empty gaze for so long before he abruptly bent down to close them. His chest felt like it was going to implode, all he wanted was to tear the lid off of all the feelings he had bottled up so long ago. But he couldn’t, because if he started to be afraid, he would never stop, he would lose sight of that last string of hope that was holding him together. So he stood up once more, holding back an avalanche of emotions, he wouldn’t let her or any of their sacrifices be for nothing, not when there was still so much to fight for. And with that he turned away.