Inspired by Maranda Quinn

Take a famous romantic quote, or lyric, and use it as the opening line to a horror story.

The line must be related to the story.


“Baby, you’ll be famous… chase you down until you love me…” I sang to myself, watching her from a far enough distance that she did not notice my obsessive, longing gaze on her petite figure.

Who is she, you may ask yourself. Well, she is my absolute worst enemy… and my number one love (obsession) interest at the same time. It was very confusing, but… I was so madly in love with her that I did not generally think about the never-ending animosity lingering between us… especially not when I was following her, like this.

She was just so… irresistible and… perfect. The bittersweet taste of her name in my mouth surprisingly did not disgust me, it was somewhat delightful, in a way. I just wanted her so badly, and believe me, I had asked her out before. But she shut me down instantaneously. Now I was following her, chasing her down until she loved me, and if that never happened… well, if I couldn’t have her, no one was going to.

In other words, if she decided NOT to accept her fate and date me, she would die… and consequently, so would I. Killing her would kill me, but as I said before, if I couldn’t have her, no one was going to. And if she wouldn’t have me, no one else would.

She began walking further down the street, and I followed suite, keeping my distance and blending in with the crowd. After a while of walking straight down a boring, bland street, she ironically took a sharp turn into a dark alleyway. I sped up. This was my chance.

Splitting off from the crowd unnoticed, I rushed into the alleyway, quickly, yet silently. Somehow, she still hadn’t taken notice of my looming presence, and she wouldn’t, until it was too late for her…

With a sudden, swift move, I came up behind her and pinned her to the wall, one hand covering her mouth… and the other… holding my switchblade. She struggled against me, but I was stronger than her, and I held my ground.

“Well, well, well… we meet again, my darling. I’m afraid that I must repeat my question from a few weeks prior to this… will you go out with me? This thing is… now the stakes are higher. Say yes and we will live a happy life together, forever. Say no and… well… I think you know what will happen to you from there.” I said, smirking as my switchblade danced within my fingers, the blade shining in the soft beam of moonlight.

“So,” I whispered. “What will it be? Me… or death?”

I pulled my hand just far enough away from her mouth as to let her speak. “I choose death.” She stated bluntly.

My eyes widened in shock. “Why?”

“Because,” she said. “I would never, ever date a sick, twisted bastard like you. So, if you must… kill me.”

I wanted to say no, to refused to kill her, but I had already dedicated myself to this plan. And goddamnit, I was going to follow through.

With one swift flick of the wrist, I slit her throat. Blood spurted out everywhere, painting the walls a potently vibrant red. She twitched violently for a moment, until her motion ceased.

I smiled softly at the sight before I slit my own throat too. Just like her, I twitched until I didn’t, and then I was dead.


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