
2019 as you know it, only the wheel was never invented

Write about an interaction in this world


I leap out of bed and run downstairs for breakfast. I have my everyday favorite, cereal and run upstairs to get dressed. After I’m dressed I pack up my things for school. All of the essentials, laptop, books, phone, headphones, extra horse shoes, and my gym clothes. “Bye mom have a good day,” I call up to my mom. Then I go outside to my horse Molly, unhinge her and ride off to school.

My family has three horses, one for each family member. My dad has an American Paint horse named Gallop. Not the brightest name, but he named him when my dad was about six years old. Then there’s my mom. She has a Blaise horse named Shadow because of her dark coat. I have a dapple grey stallion named Molly. She’s really sweet. Although people bully me because I don’t have the most expensive horse. Actually she’s not that much money at all, but she’s very generous horse. We are almost to school when I hear it. A gunshot going off in front of the school.

Many people scatter and so do a lot of horses. I wait until the coast is clear to get a better look at the situation. I take out my phone from my pocket and start to dial 9-1-1 but then I realized they wouldn’t get here in enough time. I give Molly the signal to start trotting around the side to the building where most people would go if we ever had an emergency. Suddenly I hear someone scream after another shot goes off. Cautiously I move closer to where the sound was coming from. As we get closer I see it. A young boy, maybe in 6th grade lying on the floor and next to him is a young girl frantically going through her book bag. I get off from Molly but gave her the signal to stay on guard. “Hey what happened to him?”

“He got shot in the leg. I don’t know what to do,” she exclaimed. It looked like she was about to cry. “Hey it’ll be alright....uh....why don’t we use my gym clothes to keep pressure on the wound. To make sure he doesn’t bleed out.” I quickly grabbed my bag and found my gym clothes. I decided to use my pants. They’re longer and would be easier to wrap around his leg. He was frozen in shock. I carefully wrapped my pants around his leg. “We need to get him to a hospital soon. Do you think you could do it? Where is your horse?”

“He ran away. I wouldn’t be able to get Bryan to my horse in time.”

“I’ll take him to the hospital. It’s only 2 miles away. I can do it.” I picked him up and put him on the back of Molly. I steadied him by placing my hand on us stomach and the other hand on the reigns. Off we road to the hospital.

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