Write a passage that includes an anagram of an important word.
An anagram is a scrambled version of a word that contains the same letters. For example, an anagram of "Astronomer" could be "Moon Starer".
We Listen To Be Met With Silence
I’m standing in a field, a question on my lips
Life’s been hard lately, I want to know the meaning of things
I’ve never believed in a higher power
But I have believed in tempting fate
So maybe my presence here alone will change things
That’s arrogant to think,
But I call out to the skies anyways
Then I wait and listen intently, the stars providing the light
They look quite like an open road scattered with street lamps
On any given night
And I sit, for hours maybe, led by a blind hope,
But the world is silent
I think I have my answer
So I’ll never ask the question that only silence knows