Y’all, Are, Wonderful!

(It’s Not completely the prompt, I wrote this for a person[actually 2..or 3, but they’re in parts to me, so Idrk], not saying who, but I think they may know. 😎so, read it if you want, I don’t care, it’s for me, and maybe it’s you I’m talking about.)

(I’ve removed someone for a reason😈)

I’ve been there next to you for a while,

I’m disguised with multiple masks,

Don’t trust me fellow,

For you don’t truly understand,

How much I know.

Don’t trust me fellow,

For even though I know you swell,

I’ve seen multiple sides of you,

Through different circumstances,

Even though I trust you more than me.

Your someone I would talk to during long nights,

I mean I would think you would have the endurance,

But I don’t really know,

Even though I know.

I know but I don’t,

I don’t know but I know,

I want to hear your real voice,

Yet I don’t want to because I’m scared.

A froggy mess,

Your my friend,

I hold you dearly,

My dear new friend.

I met you a month ago,

I became your friend days ago,

I knew your username,

Yet I don’t know your motives.

Motives I’m not sure,

I hope your well,

You’re a bit odd,

A bit good too.

But I know I will hold you close,

For a few months more,

My friend that’s in disguise,

My froggy acquaintance,

I Hope your well,

Whatever you’re doing.

You’re someone I enjoyed,

Yet you don’t talk anymore,

I used to know you,

But I think your kids got older.

Four they were I think,

But I knew the break would be soon,

You gave me good feedback,

So I leave you well.

Jason, I see you rarely,

You don’t share this community,

But you are there for me,

Even through thick and thin.

You told me your story,

You said your harsh past,

I listened without speech,

I learned your self.

I know my problems aren’t yours,

But you helped me when,

Those mean people picked,

Picked on me, for not being ideal.

I appreciate everyone,

With their kind comments,

I appreciate everyone,

With their cool stories.

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