©2016-2019 RavenCorona - @ravencorona

Write a story or poem set during this battle
Falonden Vs. Sablanca
Alien here come to me and take nothing but your fierce pride back with you. For I am Demetrius lord of Sablanca and ruler since the sun set upon the red river.
1 month before Falonden vs. Sablanca War
Gallya- “My love please I beg of you not trouble with others our planet deserves peace.”
Demetrius- “Oh, worried wife, you need not to worry of my adventures and I am helping Sablanca stay safe for years to come.”
Demetrius leaves with his top soldiers for a voyage to Falonden for resources. From what they have known Falonden has been inhabited for centuries. Lord Demetrius didn’t know it was covered by a protective shield of invisible crochkien- the strongest glasses in the galaxy. This is the first time anyone has came to Falonden in hundreds of years. Lord Demetrius didn’t believe in the old myths of invisible weapons, he just wanted the planets resources.
Once he got to Falonden and landed, the ship want sinking into the ground through mud. Once the sho gotten through the mud and the aloes Demetrius decide to open the door, if revealed Falonden people with weapons pointed towards the king and his bravest soldiers.
... To be continued