Submitted by Bailie MacGregor

"Who are you?" - those were the hardest three words to hear in my life.

Write a story containing this line, or centred around the idea.

My Everything

I ran like my life depended on it. On getting to the airport to be there the second she arrives. My legs pumped, and my heart pounded. I engulfed as much oxygen as my lungs could hold.

I could hear my mothers words in my head. “You could have saved up for a car,” she would say. “But instead you blew off all your money for that girl.”

Mother always hated Emily. From the moment she moved in across the street. To be fair, I had hated her to.

She always had her head stuck on a book, looking like she was better then all the sweaty neighborhood kids that were playing football. That was, until Josie dragged her from underneath the looming willow tree that swayed with the hint of wind. And then Emily made sure that she was the superior football player. She was the best. After that, everyone fought for her on the team. And I hate to admit it, but I was


Now she’s my girlfriend. For 3 years we’ve been together. She’s still better than me at football. That hasn’t changed a bit.

Her family took her away from me for a few months. Claiming that she was mentally unwell. Because of me. I don’t disagree. She’s changed so greatly from when I first met her. I still love her with all my heart. But everyone could see that she needed help. So I helped pay for the best mental hospital there is.

I know her family won’t let me around her anymore. They are only hear to say goodbye to family and friends. Then they’ll leave. And I’ll never see Emily again. So I have to say goodbye to her. After spending all my savings on her, they have to let me say goodbye.

I hear the airport before I see it. The roar of engines nearly deafen my ears. I race towards it.

My feet fly as I rush into the building. Frantically looking around. Looking for her.

And then I spot the brown mass of hair. The one I’ve stroked so many times. I catch her eye. Her gaze doesn’t linger on mine for long.

“Emily!” I cry out. My voice is swallowed by the crowd. All of their chatter. Could they just shut up for a second? “Emily!”

A rough hand grabs my shoulder. One I know all too well. “Now John.” His voice booms. I refuse to cower. “We’ve talked about this.”

“Please. Please! I just want to say goodbye.” I will the tears that are forming away.

“John, I can’t. She’s still too unstable. You have to let her go.”

I shake my head. “I just want to say goodbye.”

“Go John. You’re not helping. You never were.”

I let the dam of tears bust. I could have easily held them in longer. But I let them flow. This time they’ll serve a purpose.

Emily’s father awkwardly pats my back. “It’s okay John.”

I take the moment and wrench free from his grasp. He gasps in shock. “John!”

I glide across the ground, racing towards Emily. I reach her and cup her face in my hands. Shock is displayed on her features. Her beautiful face.

I’m panting. Chest heaving. Emily. Emily. Emily. I press my lips to hers. Savor the taste. And then- then she reels back. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She looks disgusted.

Her eyes meet mine, and I struggle to breathe. “Who are you?” She demands.

My whole world crumples. “It’s me. It’s… John.” I falter.

She scowls. “You have the wrong person. Check who the person is before you kiss them.”

I want to scream. I want to scream and scream. But she’s forgotten me. There’s no need to scream. There’s no need to do anything. She’s forgotten me.

I run out of there. Race towards the street that’s so familiar to me. See the willow. Her willow. I colapse underneath it.

I bury my face in my hands and start to sob. I’m nothing to her. Just a stranger. I’m nothing to her. I never existed in her life. Never held her heart. She never held mine. She never loved me. I sob. Sob for her. Always for her. She’s my everything.

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