Create a cento using lines from your favourite poems. You may also wish to use lines from your own poems, but the end result should be coherent!.

A cento is a poetic form made up entirely of lines taken from other poems, which are woven together to create a new, unique piece.

Good Enough For You

Dear daddy, I want to say sorry

For not being the best

I wanted to apologize

For not being like the rest

I’m sorry I screw up

At least 5 times a day

I’m sorry I’m not like my brother

With straight A’s all the way

I’m sorry that I’m worthless

That I’m not as smart as him

I’m sorry that I could never be the daughter you wanted

Who would always win

I’m sorry for trying to be myself

I’m sorry for always eating

I’m sorry for breathing

I’m sorry for being a living being

Poem used : Sorry I’M Not Good Enough by Tianna Webb

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