
I felt the shift in the pavement

A crack in the foundation

The ground we were standing on

Crumbling all around me

And you were nowhere to be found

No, you took off running

The second things got hard

Don’t you remember everything you promised me

Remember how we talked about

How promises were sacred things

And how you’d like to keep them

Because they weren’t kept for you

But what did you in fact do?

Broke every last one

Why promise anything at all?

If your intentions were to run

What have you done?

Made this mess of me

And I’m supposed to stay silenced in my pain?

Watch you just get away with everything

What’s the consequence of losing me?

Throwing me away

I never had a say

You shut me up

Before I even had the chance to speak

Whys it always me?

Why do you always leave?

My heart is done

I wanted you to be the one

Heart out of order

I’ve come undone

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