
Write a poem inspired by this subject


I can still remember the first time I went to the snow. It was in Sonora California now most people think that California’s mostly beach and in the winter you can go to the beach but no it is freezing people are just thinking of LA so the first time I went to the snow it just happened to be the first snowfall. Well, not the first but it’s node at my hotel and it was so magical. I went out there, picked up a snowball ran into my room and threw it at my dad I was little, and I enjoyed every moment of it. I slid down the hill. I still remember my first wipe out I was in this giant blowup tube thing and we are going down the big hill and there’s a bump and I went flying and I flipped over and fell onto my stomach. I was afraid to go sledding that most of the time I build a snowman under the tree through snowball the tree to make it snow again but after seeing everyone having so much fun sledding, I decided to give it one more go I did, and I go back up similar how hard it is to get back up no matter how scared you are. If you never get back up again, you’ll never experience some things.

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