submitted by The Teen Writer

Write an elegy centered around the following words:




An elegy is a poem that reflects upon death or mourning. They commonly have themes of sorrow and loss, but also explore redemption and consolation.


When hope was all gone

For a miracle cure

The darkness descended

And enveloped my world.

Your battle was over

You fought ever so valiantly

But to live a long life

Was not your destiny.

I withered away

In your absence I sank

Deeper into grief

And completely lost myself.

Into a cavernous hole

I fell all alone with the pain

My limbs unwilling, unable

To claw my way out.

I stayed for a while

Hiding away from the world

As well meaning friends

Offered empty platitudes.

But slowly the rawness

Faded a bit and I found

That although it still hurt

I could finally stand.

I pulled myself up

And took the first step

Towards the healing

I so desperately needed.

Painstakingly slow

I repaired my broken soul

Like a phoenix that rose

From the ashes to fly.

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