The Poison
I’m only your henchman
Doing your bidding
Day in and day out
Like a robotic minion
I’ve lost all my scruples
Broken my moral compass
To do what you ask
To serve your sweet justice
Abandoned my own dreams
The love I once had
Turning the good inside me
To borderline bad
Now you ask me to serve him
Sweet wine so fermented
With smokey pink venom
That’s pungently scented
I yearn to go back
To my kitchenette, baking
Puff pastries and cakes
Sugar free for the taking
But no, I’m your lackey
I’ll do what you say
Pour a vial full of toxins
Watch him melt away
Though my mind’s back with pasta
And honey glazed ham
Tempting me to escape
Live a life on the lam
Snap me back to reality
Your voice shrill and quite shot
But what were we doing?
I think I’ve forgot…
Oh riiiiiggghttt
The Poison
The Poison for Kuzco
The Poison chosen specially to kill Kuzco
Kuzco’s poison
(Hope you guys like this little fan piece lol, I had fun with it)