Write one paragraph each for three auxiliary characters who will appear in your novel.

Whether allies or rivals, background or important, permanent or fleeting, choose any three characters and detail their traits.


_Not auxiliary_

_just characters me and Stormbound have together now lol_

_and possibly more then three as well_


_A simple woman living in a simple town. Two kids, settled down. Goes to the market everyday. Then Sköll shows up demanding offerings. Jules thinks nothing of it until he shows up at her door and everything changes._


_Sköll's sister. Comes with him everywhere no matter what. Scared of being left alone. Feels abandoned after Sköll meets Jules and is constantly leaving to see her. She ends up trapping him and attempting to kill Jules to get her brother back._


_Just wants to live his best life. Everyone jokes about him when he was a kid, always playing with bees and other wild animals. Little did they know what he would become later._


_Wolf God. Meets Jules persuing offerings. Constantly leaves Hati alone afterward to see his true love. Gets trapped by Hati, but manages to save Jules before his jealous sister kills her._


_A girl who just wants to be left alone. Being constantly tortured by her parents and bullies as a kid, she ran away when she turned thirteen. The only solace she gets is when she sits by her favorite pond._

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