The Monster Fish

It was just a normal day at work.

I tapped angrily at my computer. I had to write a stupid document for my boss. But I was finding it hard to focus. I had barely slept last night. I had kept hearing this strange sound from somewhere in my room—a faint growling— but I couldn’t identify where it was coming from so I assumed it was just in my head.

After 30 minutes of frustrating work I finally gave up on the document and switched my tab over to the news station.

I wasn’t expecting anything special so I was extremely shocked when I saw the flashing fins of a sea monster terrorizing the town. It flailed in the lake that the town was centered on, splashing water everywhere.

I was even more shocked when I saw the scar on its side and knew I had to return home immediately.

Alarms started going off.

“Everyone exit the building!” I heard a voice call.

Everyone looked at each-other confused but I was already sprinting down the stairs. I felt as though I was in a dream. I scampered to my car and got in.

I drove down the street in a hurry, barely noticing the people running for their lives. I had to swerve to avoid hitting a few. I could hear the screams and the sound of splashing water through the car window. A stream of water was even flowing down the street. I wasn’t focusing on any of these things though, I was focusing on getting home. Because there was one thing I had to know.

I finally reached my house and screeched up the driveway. I ran inside, leaving the front door ajar.

I gasped when I reached my room and saw the sparkling glass covering the floor. The top of the tank seemed to have fallen and shattered.

I looked in the tank and my heart dropped. I was right that the scar on the monster was the same as the scar on my goldfish. I even recognized its warm orange scales.

The tank was empty.

“That’s my goldfish!” I said.

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