Dialing Home

You haven’t thought about him in a while. But now that your old injuries have started to heal, you decide it’s time. Time to return to him.

So, you pick up the phone and dial the familiar number. Even though it’s no longer scrawled across your hand like it was the first time you met, your fingers are sure. As though they could never forget.

He picks up on the first ring.

“Hello?” You start. Your voice is tentative, unsure. But the laughter that meets you on the other end immediately makes you smile.

“Took you long enough,” he chuckles.

“What, were you waiting for me?”

“Couldn’t stop thinking of you.”

You relax into the familiar ebb and flow of conversation. The jokes, the advice, the sheer joy in talking to him. All of it feels-


And you begin to wonder, why you left in the first place.

You begin to wonder, why you would leave him if he never left you.

“Are you still there?” He asks.

“Yeah,” you reply. “It’s just good to be home.”

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