Pick One,my Love

"Darling, I've loved you from the start,

With you, I feel a fire in my heart."

"But my heart is torn, for another I yearn,

In his embrace, my soul does churn."

"Pray tell, who is this other you adore?

For in my heart, I long for more."

"He is a poet, with words so sweet,

His verses enchant, they make my heart beat."

"Ah, the poet's words may be divine,

But it's your touch that makes me pine."

"Yet I offer you love, strong and true,

A love that will never bid adieu."

"I'm torn between the two, my heart in strife,

Each love brings joy, yet also brings life."

"Choose me, my love, let our souls entwine,

Together we'll create a love so fine."

"Listen to your heart, my dear,

Choose the one who brings you cheer."

"My heart is heavy, my mind in knots,

I must choose, though it breaks my thoughts."

"Choose me, my love, and we'll soar high,

In each other's arms, we'll touch the sky."

"Choose me, my love, and you'll find,

A love that's steadfast, one of a kind."

"The choice is made, my heart is clear,

With you, my love, I'll conquer fear."

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