A Stark Surprise

“Ahoy! What’s a young girl like you sailing all by herself?” An old, smelly man, with a large wart yells at me.

I observe his greasy hair and stained clothes. He’s a sailor, and a man.

I’ve never seen a man before; I was raised on a land surrounded by only women.

Surely all men do not look like this one?

“Are you mute, girl?” The man shouts.

I stop my observation and quietly respond, “No, sir, I am merely lost. Do you know the way to the Starlight Castle?”

The man laughs and laughs, ale scented breath stenches my nose.

“You want to go to the castle? That’s for royals.”

I furrow my brows.

Mother said to sail to the western isle, where the Starligjt Castle stands. There, the Queen would employ me as her lady’s maid, and I would gain insight on the isle’s affairs. Then I would report everything back to Mother.

“No, I am meant to go to the castle. So do you know the way?” I say, sternly and a bit agitated.

The man steps closer, a signal of danger ignites within at the drunkened stare of lust from the ugly man’s eyes. I slap his face and jab my knee into his stomach. I grab my things and run towards a crowd of people.

Mother has trained me a lot of defense skills; they’ve just come in handy.

I glance around the small town until I make sight of the Starlight Castle atop a hill about a half mile away.

I lift my delicate dress to ensure no mud splatters on it. I must look my very best for the Queen.

A slight breeze brushes through my oak brown hair, bringing along the salty scent of the sea.

I admire the busy village; people selling things at stands and others running errands.

I smile at young boys and girls playing together.

I suddenly feel a hand in my back pocket, I turn fast and grab the hand and come face to face with a handsome face.

Dark brown curls and green eyes flash before me. A strong hand holds my pocket of gold.

Too distracted by the mere beauty of the man, I forget my training and the man winks and runs away with my money.

Stupid. I am completely stupid.

I shake my head and quicken my step towards the castle, silently cursing myself for allowing a beautiful man to distract me.

The Starlight Castle’s gates glimmer before me. Blues and purples gleam on the crystal castle, gilded with gold.

A guard comes before me, demanding my reasoning of coming to the castle.

“I am to see the queen for an employment opportunity, sir,” I say softly, not looking him in the eye to show I have no ill intentions.

The guard leads me within after a quick glance at me.

He does not know I hold a dagger against my thigh.

I walk into the throne room, my eyes lighting up in the golden light.

The queen sits tall in her throne; her beauty like the stars.

She smiles when she sees me.

“Asteria, my dear, I am so glad you have arrived!” I bow my head and curtsy.

“Come here my dear, let me see your beautiful face!”

I walk with my back straight to the Queen. She admires my oak brown hair and my navy blue eyes.

“Oh you are darling!” The queen laughs.

“I am honored to be your lady’s maid, my queen.” I bow my head again.

The queen smiles with joy.

“Oh, one thing Asteria, I believe I hear my son’s steps. I would love for you to meet him!”

Meet the prince? My hands get sweaty.

“Damien!” The queen shouts.

Heavy footsteps sound and a tall man, with brown curls and familiar green eyes enters the throne room.

I freeze at the sight of him, as he does at the sight of me.

It’s the man who stole my coin.

A small smile grows on my face, but Damien slightly shakes his head.

I bow my head at the Prince.

“Damien meet my new lady’s maid, Asteria!”

I shake his hand and softly say, “I am joyed to be in your home, Prince Damien.”

After a long conversation with the queen, I am escorted to my chambers.

They are simple, but beautiful.

When I open the door I almost freeze at the sight of Damien waiting.

I shut the door and narrow my eyes.

“A prince stealing from a poor-working woman . How scandalous,” I say with venom.

Damien shakes his head. “No, it’s not like that. I give the coin to the poor.”

I laugh at the stupidity of this man.

“And what if the very coin you steal is from the poor? You’re ridiculous, really. A prince can do far more than an undercover thief.”

“Maybe I targeted you,” he says slyly.

“And why would you do that?”

He smirks and folds his arms. “Because you’re not a poor young woman looking for work, you’re a spy.”

I gulp.

“But don’t worry, I won’t tell, I am on your side, Asteria. Welcome to the rebel club!”

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