
She paced through the windy streets, her coat soaked completely. Her hair was frizzy from the rain. The rain hit her hard like freezing bullet on her soft skin. Her cheeks were bright red from the frostiness of the wind. She could not look up as the rain was too strong. If she could see, she would get to enjoy the night sky with beautiful, dark clouds. Fluffy gray clouds that raged with lightning and thunder, and cried with the speedy drops onto the shiny, misty ground.

Her heart raised as she walked up the hill. Her boots would not be enough to keep her from slipping backwards and hitting anything that crossed her path. She was shaking from both the icy temperature and the fear she felt. She did not know what made her shake more. She looked behind her, where she could see the chilly waters pouring so much it looked like a soaring river. She feared for her life. She felt so alone, yet she could not stop walking.

She put her hands on the hard, freezing ground which was covered with the wintery waters that slid through her fingers. She felt safer walking in all fours up the hill, using her arms to keep from slipping and her legs to push herself forward. Her nose ran as if it were in a race. Her face so wet that she looked like might’ve been crying for hours. She sniffled as she continued on her journey. Then, she heard a loud crack. This was the first time she looked ahead, and what she saw made her heart drop. Her eyes widened as she stared in shock.

She saw the tree as it went onto the ground barely missing her. Her eyes widened with fright and she got up to run. She did not worry about falling any longer. All she desired was to get up the hill. All she desired was to be home, in her bed, and far from this freezing rain, this angry thunder, this violent lightning. And when she gets there, she knows she would never again head out on a stormy night.

When she finally reached the top, all she could feel was relief. As she removed her raincoat, all she could do was smile and sigh. She was finally in her warm home. She was ready for a nice mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows while she sat in front of her fireplace. She went to her kitchen, looked out at the vicious night sky. So dark, so threatening, so violent, yet so.... beautiful. She sipped on her hot cocoa as she sat by her fireplace. She sighed once more. She was glad to have lived through the storm. Glad that she got to enjoy this hot chocolate while keeping warm on a crazy rainy night.

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