I’d Rather Not Say

“How’s your day been?”

“Good decent”

Well no it’s been stressful

But you have no reason to stress

Oh right the driving test

I got to pass my classes

Oh it’s math time

I don’t like math and it’s my highest grade

How disappointing that

I’m so smart

It’s been bad

I wish I could move

But I don’t want to move



My children! Oh I love them

They always jump on me





Eh that doesn’t sound all too good

You ate earlier

I have work after school

I don’t want to work

I can probably be sent home early

It’ll probably be busy

I still need that driving test


They have my car keys

Six hours

Two x squared plus three x squared equals fifteen x

Have to simplify and then

I’m hungry

Two x plus three x equals five x so that

Equals fifteen x

Give minus five and fifteen minus five

No solution

I hate this

It’s not even going to be used

He’s watching golf

Why do you care what player we’re going for


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