A reclusive writer is disturbed in the middle of the night by a stranger looking for help. They invite them into their home.
Does this stranger provide inspiration, danger, friendship, or something else entirely?
Lies In The Basement
The clacking of the keys encapsulates my thoughts. Words flow from my finger tips like an endless waterfall of knowledge. And yet, it all sounds like shit. I throw my back against my hard wooden chair and groan.
_“Maybe it’s time for a break?” _I let my thoughts wonder. My heavy body picks itself up off the chair and flops onto the fluffy couch. As I bury my head into the couch it hugs me in a warm never ending embrace. That is, until the ding of the doorbell breaks my comfort. With a large groan I force myself off of the couches warmth and to the annnoyingly bright front door. With a gentle pull I open up the wooden plank of a door to the cold darkness of the outside.
“I’m so sorry to knock on your door this late sir.” A meek voice fumbles out of the young lady standing at my door step. She has long strawberry locks flowing down to her hips in tight braids with bows. Her dress flows with the wind in creamy eggshell tint. Her heart shaped face and ocean blue eyes could soften the heart of any grinch she stumbles upon. I feel warmth bleed into my cheeks as my eyes flicker down to her.
“Oh n-no your fine Miss.” I stutter out tripping over my tongue. She giggles making my heart speed out of control.
“Well sir, my car broken down across the street, and my phone ran outta juice! Could you let me borrow your phone for a minute, sir?” She asked twirling her hand between her finger as she spoke. Her voice was soft and sweet like an angels.
“Oh uh yeah sure! W-why don’t you come inside?” I offer without thinking, the burning red on my face becoming too much to bare. She giggles yet again and skips inside to the warmth. I break away from my frozen flustered state and creak the door shut.
“Hey mister!” She calls out already running rampant in my house.
“Ah- yes?” I call back going over to her, I don’t have the heart to scold her for running around.
“Where’s your phone? And why is your basement door chained shut? Why do you have no windows?” She asks one question after the other not waiting for a response. I open my mouth to let out a deep sigh of air.
“I’m an author, I like to keep my current works under lock and key till I’m finished. Thefts are common and I’d be heartbroken if my life’s work was stolen by some thug.” I explain tiredly gently guiding her away from the basement, she doesn’t need to see that yet.
“Got it! You’re a weirdo! And what about the phone? I’d really like to make it home as soon as possible, new MafuMafu album came our and I _need _to listen to it.” She asks yet again. I don’t want her to leave yet, I want her to stay. No ones ever made me feel this way before.
“Phone doesn’t turn on till tomorrow moring. But I’d be happy to let you stay the night! I’ve been having writers block anyways.” The lie slips through my teeth like a serpent. She rolls her baby blue eyes and crosses her arms.
“Oh alright fine. I guess I can here wait till tomorrow. Better then freezing in the cold I suppose.” She reluctantly agrees with a groan. I couldn’t be more excited to have her stay, she fills me with more warmth then a fireplace. I quickly lead her to the couch and lay her down with a plop. I drape her with my fluffiest blanket and smile. Her eyebrows furrow, and she frowns a bit. I can’t possibly imagine why shes upset, perhaps she’s thirsty?
“I could whip up some tea for you if you’d like! Wouldn’t be any trouble at all.” I offer tripping over my words with excitement. She doesn’t answer for a minute. Closing her eyes, thinking it over.
“Yeah alright, tea sounds really nice actually. Thanks Mister.” She accepts lean against the couch as she takes out her strawberry braids. Her fingers dance along her hair beautifully, I just want to take her fingers into mine and never let go. I hop off to the kitchen filled with a new life, re-energized again. I fill the kettle with water and set it on the rusty stove top to boil. When I see the thin strip of steam flow out the top and hear the pops of the boiled water I pour it into her teacup. I picked the one clean cup I have, she deserve perfection after all. I wait till shes not watching to add my special suyrup. It smells sweet like candy, I’ve never had to tatse it though. I sprint out and give the tea to her.
“Careful, it’s hot.” I smile as she takes it from my hands.
“Thanks mister, I appreciate it.” She thanks softly making my heart flutter. I sit right next to her watching her every sip, enjoying the way her lips curl around the rim when she sips. Her eyelids drop as my secret suyrup kicks in.
“I think….I think I need to, hit the hay…” She gets out before falling onto my shoulder. I chuckle and pick her up into my arms. Her skin is baby soft and shes light like a feather. I set her down for only a second to unchain my basement and gently lay her down on the concreate next to the skeletons that line the walls. Then I turn my back, lock up the basement, and leave her to rot like the many girls that came before her.