Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.


“Leah… I really — I really like you. And I was wondering… would you go out with me?”

He had flowers in his hands. A timid, sweet smile on his face. Man, why did it have to be this way?

How was I supposed to tell him no? How could I confirm his worst fears? Would he even understand?

“Jake,” I said as calmly as I could, trying to hide the chaos exploding in my head. “That’s so sweet of you.”

He still waited for an answer.

What if I did say yes? Then I’d just be pushing off the problem and ultimately make things worse. It’s better to get it done with here and now.

I just hoped I wouldn’t lose my friend. I really do love him, just not in the way he’s hoping for.

“Look,” I say. “You’re an amazing person.”

I watched the color drain from his face. His smile fading.

“And I really like you too, just not in that way—“ I blurted out. “I like you platonically, as my friend.”

He wouldn’t look at me. His dreams really were crushed and I was responsible. Why couldn’t I just be normal?

“Is it because—“

“It has nothing to do with you,” I promised. “I don’t like anyone that way. I’m… I’m aromantic asexual, so…”

Was that an excuse? I’ve never felt that way towards anyone before. I’d thought people were joking when they explained their attraction. Though I had to think, if I did have that attraction, would I have liked him? Even if I am AroAce, couldn’t I still go out with him?

“I’d still love to do something with you!” I explained, trying to fix the situation. “I just wanted to be clear there’s no romantic interest in it.”

Now I was the one waiting for an answer. Waiting to see if friendship will prevail. I hoped with all my heart that it will. Please don’t let me lose this.

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