You are stuck in a room with a pyschopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.

Trapped with myself

I know what you're thinking. I'm just some jackass from the city, some guy that thinks he's got it all figured out. You'd be wrong, I don't. Truth is, I'm invisible. I moved around so much as a child, I learned to blend in anywhere, growing these scales of sorts all over my body. Yet they only know how to disguise, they know no true form. So, in truth, my friend, I am nobody. I am the grey man in the back of the pictures you see. I'm the type to live an unremarkable life and die with nobody by my side. I'm not destined for greatness because I'm the antithesis to greatness. I am pity, I am loathing, I am emptiness. Yet I have come to peace with it. I can achieve maximum happiness in my life, invisible or not. I play my guitar, I work diligently towards promotions, I eat good food, and I love the arts. You're a psychopath, I can tell that much, but you're not a sociopath. So, my friend, I appeal to your emotion: Why kill a simple, unremarkable gray man who has come to peace with the only life he'll get? Why not kill somebody who deserves it? A child fucker, an animal killer, even a greedy billionaire? But hey, pal, the choice is yours. So, what'll it be?

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