I am not a mother.

I was born with a purpose. A reason and a destiny. Some consider the System a blessing, but for me? For me it is a thinly veiled curse.

You see, I am meant to be a mother. Not the kind that feeds their children and gives them baths. Not the kind that reads them stories at night and holds them after a scary nightmare. I am not the mother that cries when they see their child leave for school for the first time.

I am the mother who will always walk down the street, wondering if every person I see is my child.

I have given birth 30 times. Ever since I turned 13 I have been impregnated every 9 months. I carry a baby so that other women do not have to, so they do not have to risk their lives and health.

I have never seen a baby after birth. My body is ruined. They tell me that I bring unimaginable joy into the lives of everyone, and am highly respected. I don’t want their praise or respect. I want to feel the happiness of a mother.

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