Looking In The Mirror
It’s weird being a teenager
I feel like I’m not doing it right
It’s nothing like what I’ve heard
I don’t feel out of place
I’m not awkward
I’m not struggling
Im not gasping for breath
Like they said I would be
It’s weird being a teenager
Because I don’t think I really count as one
I’m 15
I’m 12
I’m 13
I’m 17
I’m 23
I’m 15
Is age dysmorphia a thing?
I’m so mature when I need to be
I’m so young when I feel safe
I don’t know how I really act
I don’t know who I really am
I know exactly who I am
I have the confidence of an Olympian
The body of a model
The face of a goddess
That’s too cocky
Too confident
Why is confidence bad?
Just because no one around me is confident
I’m not aloud to be either?
But that’s insulting
To me
To them
Its okay to love myself
But I need to do it quietly
Otherwise someone might feel bad
I feel bad
I lied to you
I’m not confident
Every time I look in a mirror
I want to be different
I want to be everything
I’m so tired of being everything
I’m exhausted
I work
And work
And work
And work
And it never gets easier
It never feels lighter
But it’s so easy
So mundane
That I really shouldn’t be complaining
I’m only 15
I’m still just a kid
I’m 15
I’m an adult now
I want freedom
I want guidance
I want someone to tell me what’s wrong with me
There’s nothing wrong with me
I’m perfect
I’m loved
I’m funny
I’m pretty
I’m smart
Why would I be upset?
If I could write a letter to my teenage self
I don’t know if it would go to the future
Or the past
Maybe it would end up in my mailbox in a week
I don’t know
I don’t know anything
I know too much
I need to know more
I’m tired of the weight of knowledge
I like my life
I hate the world
How old am I?
Am I really a teenager?
Am I real?
At least I look pretty when I suffer