
Money Is all they see

Status is all they know

Why must you tax my speech

Can’t even let my free mind grow

Soon they’ll charge me to breathe

I might die before I let you know

Because In this free world

Admission is paid to attend the show

There all actors just playing there part

Not aware of the script

The minds blinded from a light in the dark

My spirit is free

But my vessel remains stained

Aliens have been here

The same fallen angels remain in chains

They’ve seen the truth before

But couldn’t recognize

The gentleman stands at the door

Invaders break through the windows eye

To try to gain control of the panel

Unnatural movements

To break and dismantle

I fought the lion before

A roar that stores illusion

Lured me back to the place I got the bruises

Deja vu the cycle of repetition

I chose to move differently

Switched to a diffrent position

Another outcome unfolded

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