Submitted by Celaid Degante
Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.
The Feeling
I knew today had a weird feeling, a feeling I can’t explain. Like a rock sitting in my stomach. I didn’t like the feeling at all. I felt as though something was gonna go wrong, but I never quite imagined something like this.
I get this feeling quite a lot, whenever I get the feeling it never ends well. Normally it’s like my dog escaped, I get a speeding ticket, or one of my family members broke a bone, nothing to bad but they’re not good things either. Today’s feeling was stronger than the other times though.
It was a normal Saturday morning, I woke up at eight a.m. Ate breakfast and had some coffee. The feeling was growing stronger. A loud beeping noise started coming from all the electronics in my house. I turned on the television and big red words saying, “Breaking News”, were flashing across the screen.
My stomach dropped, that’s why I had the feeling. The television went to a different slide that said, “ People who live in the following cities please evacuate”.
My city was one of them.
I started to panic. What do I grab? Why does this always happen to me? Where is my husband? Why do we have to evacuate? My head was starting to spin.
I dashed for the phone. I couldn’t think, what’s my password again? I took a deep breath and put in my password, clicked on my husband’s phone number, and called him.
Two seconds went by and I started to worry, did something bad happen to him? He picked up. “ Why didn’t you pick up right away, I was starting to panic!” I screamed at my husband. I was overreacting a little.
“ Sorry, I’m fine. I’m coming home right now.” He said concerned. There is too much going on right now I don’t know what to do.
“ What do we do? What do I pack? When will you be home? Why do we have to evacuate? I’m stressing really bad.” I yelled. I wasn’t trying to be mean, I’m just overwhelmed.
“Sweetie, calm down. Everything is gonna be fine. A truck was carrying toxic chemicals and it crashed. They want people to evacuate until it is safe to come back. It shouldn’t be too long. Only pack the essentials.” He said very calmly.
That made me feel much better. I thought it was something where our house would get destroyed and everything that was in it. “ Okay, I’ll start packing. Bye honey, love you.”
I dashed upstairs and started grabbing clothes and blankets. Came back downstairs and packed some food. I also grabbed sleeping bags, cash, and some plastic water bottles.
My husband pulls into the driveway. He comes busting in the door. “ I packed everything, anything else we should grab before we go?” I questioned, showing him all the stuff I packed.
“ No, I think that will be fine. Worse case we have to go buy something. Lets get going.” He turned around and headed out the door. A wall of sadness washed over me. I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to leave my home and all the things in it.
I grabbed the stuff I packed and headed out the door. Threw the stuff in the back of my husband’s red pickup truck and we hit the road.
We were both quiet and both seemed a little sad when my husband asked,” Where’s the dog?” We both looked at each other in shock. We left our dog at home!